2024 Educational Programming
As with everything at Lantern for Lost Voices, we are planning our workshops and webinars in our 2024 Educational Programming with intent and purpose. We will offer both in-person and virtual opportunities for adult and youth audiences, schools, community organizations, genealogical and historical societies, libraries, and more.
We have a two-pronged focus with LLV: Education & Research. Educational programming will be made available to help the community learn the historical significance of poor farms. We will also discuss how they relate to the solutions offered both historically and presently in our communities for poverty, mental health needs, the unhoused, and other relevant topics.
Our research-focused programming will share the tools and techniques we use to research those who lived in poor farms and almshouses as well as how to tell their story – and the difficult stories of other situations – with sensitivity and awareness.
LLV 101
Learn about our mission, programs, and research projects.
Storytelling 101
Learn how to tell the difficult stories within our families or communities with sensitivity and understanding.
Collaboration with Organizations
We also believe in the power of collaboration. We will provide any resources, research, assistance, and support to local organizations also researching, recording, and
remembering those who have been hidden in history’s shadow. We encourage others to reach out if we can be of any support the important projects in your community, poor farm or
Youth Programming
Additionally, we believe in the inclusion of the next generation. Our goal in 2024 is to expand our Board of Directors to include a youth board that will help grow the research and communication skills of teens interested in history and genealogy. Internships and volunteer opportunities are also available.
If you would like to collaborate or have information you feel would make our work at LLV better, we encourage you to contact the Co-Executive Director and Director of Education: dstpierre@lanternforlostvoices.org.
Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash